
Star Wars 1984

 * Argentinean Pepsi                                8 Stickers 
 * Argentinean Return of the Jedi by Cromy         36 Cards
 # Australian Kellogg's Ewok Collect-A-Prize    12+16 Cards : wants - SWTC 
 * Canadian Kellogg's Return of the Jedi Stick'R   10 Cards and 10 stickers - SWTC
 # French Fromagerie Bel, La Vache Qui Rit cheese  18 Stickers, 1 has a Star Wars image - SWTC 
 * French La Vache Qui Rit cheese                  10 Cards - SWTC 
 ! Peruvian Pepsi Return of the Jedi               42 Cards and an album - SWCA 
 ! Spanish Video Guay                            140+ Cards and an album, 3 have Star Wars images 
 * USA Kellogg's Return of the Jedi Stick'R        10 Cards - SWTC
 * USA Kellogg's Return of the Jedi Stick'R        10 Stickers - SWTC
