
Unusual Star Wars gift cards - I do not have all of these,
images are from ebay or friends if I do not have them.

I have the cards with red borders


LEGO promo gift cards from Toys R Us

Wal-Mart gift card


Toys R Us gift card

UK Woolworths ROTS gift cards


Star Wars Trilogy Best Buy gold foil promo gift cards, US & Canadian

Blockbuster Star Wars Trilogy promo card

Toys R US Battlefront gift card

Episode 2 BlockBuster gift card, ltd to 90k

Tower Records Limited Edition Set of four gift cards

Sam Goody E1 gift card

Hastings E1 gift card

KB Toys E3 gift card

Rare test-market Burger King gift card

Star Wars gift card - given by Virgin Megastores with release of SWT DVDs

Best Buy Star Wars Trilogy gold foil promo gift cards, US & Canadian

Sideshow gift card

wwww.StarWarsBookExtras.com The Old Republic promo card

I have the cards with red borders

If you have any of the above cards that I don't have
or any more unusual Star Wars gift cards please

There's lots more pics and info about SW giftcards here

See here for phone card pics and info
