However, some planetary systems revolted at the news of the latest shameful misdeeds. They declared themselves enemies of the New Order and began their mighty struggle to restore the Old Republic. From the beginning, they were at a crushing disadvantage against the systems that the emperor managed to subjugate. In those early days, it seemed almost certain that the bright flame of resistance would be extinguished before the light of the new truth could illuminate the Galaxy. . . Participants: Insurgents Luke Skywalker Leia Organa Han Solo Obi-Wan Kenobi Chewbacca Thripio Artu Detu 2 Insurgents Imperials Darth Vader 8 cassian soldiers Distribution of roles according to the number of players: 2 players: One player leads the insurgents, the other the imperials. 3 people: Two people lead the insurgents. One for Leia, Luke and the two robots, the other for the rest of the rebels. The third player leads the Imperials. 4 people: Two people lead the insurgents (as above). Two people lead their emperor. One of Darth Vader with three soldiers, the mask the other soldiers. 5 people: Three people lead the rebels: one is Leia, Luke, Artu Detu, the other is Han Solo, Chewbacca, Thripio, the third is Obi-Wan Kenobi and the two warriors. Two men lead the Imperials (as above). Role divisions